Saturday, November 9, 2013

Pros of Rooting Your Android Phone

Those who didn't root their phone yet, are not familiar with the surprise behind it. Here I provide you the top reasons to root your Android phone.
  1. Block Ads
    You are aware of the annoying ads that makes your app disgusting to use. Also the data consumption. If you want to block your ads on any particular device or any particular app, rooting is the solution.
    Essential Android apps to block ads:
                        AdBlock Plus
                        Ad Away
  2. Boost Speed and Battery Life
    Imagine your phone running beyond its capable speed, this is possible by tweaking the processor.
    *The lifespan of your phone may decrease. Who minds !
    Essential app to tweak the processor speed:

    You may not be aware of your phone apps that ruins your battery percentile. Some root apps can automatically hibernate the apps you aren't using.
    Essential app to improve Battery life:

  3. Backup data from every corner of your phoneOh, you know how to backup your apps and your files! But imagine, can you backup a browser(system app) along with its cookies? A rooted phone does everything.
    Essential app:

                       Titanium Backup
  4. Remove preinstalled app or system app
    With a rooted phone you are able to remove any app on your phone, may be a browser app or dialler app or settings or any. Cranky to hear, but it is essential in certain scenarios.
  5. Flash a custom kernel
  6. Flash a custom ROM
Now, you are the true owner of your device.

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